Milestone: The Breadth of a Nation!!!

I'm happy to announce that as of last week, I've accumulated over 3,400 miles on the bike. That's a big milestone for me: It's enough to travel coast-to-coast across the United States!!!

Seattle to Miami (3,350 miles). Google Images
Despite not actually crossing the US by bike, this milestone still feels special to me. It illustrates the distance I've covered more than saying '3,000 miles' ever could; providing me with a clearer sense of scale, and to that extent, a heightened sense of achievement.

I'm thrilled to be able to say I've covered this distance in just under 5 1/2 months. And if you know me well enough, you'll realise I'm not quitting there. The 5,000 mile mark is next! It's just that sometimes it's good to pause and take-in these initial, 'small' accomplishments.

Here are some stats (for the stat lovers):
  • 3,536 total miles
  • 193 hours in the saddle
  • Average speed of 18.2 mph (It's hilly in Tucson)
  • 180,000 calories burnt
  • 7 flat tyres
  • 2 complete climbs of Mt. Lemmon
  • 1 separated shoulder
Keep on ridin'! In Houston with the Saturday Ride Group. Me on the left!
Estimated Date to reach 5,000 miles? January 2012!

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