Did Kenya Slow me Down?

Amazingly, it looks like the answer is no!!! I just managed to get up Gates Pass and down 3 minutes quicker than I've ever done it before (1:05)!

*Cue fanfare, fireworks and God Save the Queen*

Yeah, so I'm still not fully convinced, so I better keep the training level high, especially with El Tour de Tucson in mid-November. There I'm expected to ride 109 miles. If I fail to do that, well, I'll have to admit maybe I'm not the best cyclist in the world (an unbelievable thought, I know). I'm sure I'll be talking about it more as the event nears, but for now here is a map of the course:

Oh my god: I'm going to die.

In other news I also bought a pocket knife. I'm going to use it to shank bears.

Follow arrows for optimal shanking motion

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