Recap: October

A recap!?!

Short Answer? Yes! It's about time I follow-up from the posts of last month and mention, for example, how my quest for a touring bike is going:

Well, bottom line is that I still don't have a touring bike. *Slow-clapping* The silver lining to that sentence is that I'm getting closer. I've just been outbid again on a near-new 2010 Trek 520. A bike like that should fetch around $1,000 so I think I'm not going to increase my bid. I just need to keep being patient and wait for the right bike, preferably something a bit older. I'll keep you posted.

This month also saw me climb Mt. Lemmon for the second time. My first ever climb involved a lot of will-power. I made myself not give up. This time around was a lot easier, highlighted by the statistic of only needing to stop 3 times, compared to the 9 times before. The times don't lie either: I managed to do the 80-mile journey 22 minutes faster! During the climb I was listening to my Ipod whilst taking in some pretty amazing views. Human After All came on. It made me pace it up one of the steepest sections of the climb. Enjoy!

That song with these views:

Can't be beat. Molly's Blog

Overall it was a good month for the quantity of miles I posted too. A not too shabby 750! That takes my lifetime total to 3,730.

In the coming weeks I should post Day 4 of the BC tour (I've misplaced my spreadsheet with the elevation data, which is why we're currently stuck on Day 3) and also provide some more information about the tactics in El Tour. Edge of your seat stuff!

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