The Crap We'll Need

Here's just going to be a very basic run-down of the gear we'll need to carry with us. Obviously I'm going to forget something, probably important, so I'm sure this list will be edited. We can discuss the finer details of the gear closer to the time of purchase.

How to Carry Gear:
  • Rear Rack with Panniers (>25 L for pair)
  • Front Rack with Panniers (>25 L for pair)
  • Handlebar Bag (if necessary; >6 L) 
  • 4 water bottle cages
  • Bungee Cords?
Axiom look like they have a good collection at

  • Tent or Hammock. Some hammocks don't have poles, and weigh as little as 3 lbs
  • Sleeping Bag and Pad
  • Torch / Flashlight
  • $hit load of 'Off!' or any other bug repellent you can find
  • Toiletries / Personal Items
  • Edit: Bear Spray

  • Gas Stove or firewood. Would prefer firewood...
  • Matches / Lighter / Flint blocks
  • Saucepan and Frying Pan
  • Washing-Up stuff
  • Water filter?
  • Food. Probably going to be a lot of pasta + rice. Get daily.

  • N/A. This is a fully naked trip..... Joking!!
  • Regular Biking Gear: Clipless shoes, socks (x3), cycling shorts (x1-2), jersey, gloves, helmet, sunglasses.
  • Wet weather gear: Rain Jacket (mine's fluorescent green; pictures later), rain trousers / pants. Should be fairly light. Even my thin rain jacket gets really hot inside...
  • Regular shirts (x3), sweatshirt / jumper, shorts, jeans, shoes etc. For when off the bike.
  • Towel

  • Patch Kit, Tyre Levers, Pump
  • Spare Inner Tubes, additional tyre tread, spokes, brake cable.
  • Chain tool, WD-40, Allen Keys, Screwdriver, Spoke Wrench. Basically, prepare for the worst.

  • Electronics: Camera, I-pod, phone, chargers? (during motel stays?). Book
  • Route information and water bottles (>3 L)
  • Cable Lock
  • Crude Banter (even if I just do the trip alone)

A long list of items. I'm sure there's more. But as I said, we can discuss each of these points over the coming months...

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